Blogging and Grammar


Note: I do not pretend to have a degree in English or Literature.

I’m not perfect with grammar, to be honest I could give careless about grammar. I used to be that person that when I read a sentence if I took a breath that was where the comma automatically got placed. I went comma happy from a very young age and didn’t get knocked out of it until I met Mrs. Huggler, my sophomore English Honors teacher in high school.

I blog, occasionally if you couldn’t tell, and part of blogging is being able to effectively deliver your message, opinion, experiences, ideas…etc to Readers. Part of effective communication in writing is being able to express yourself in the right tense, with the right words, the right form of the word, and punctuation. The first few should come naturally… you are fucking American, you have been reading and writing since GRAMMAR school.

If you are no googood_grammard at the grammar part or have been staring at a computer screen for too long and the words all look the same that’s alright just simply have someone look over your writing. One or two mistakes every now and again is alright, but when your blog is littered with grammatical errors it makes reading it very difficult and you will slowly but surely begin to lose Readers.


Do yourself and your readers a favour, check your grammar, check your tense, and check your word forms. Happy Blogging!



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