Pregnancy and April Fool’s


Last year [and many years prior] on April Fool’s Day I read several posts about women/teenagers claiming to be pregnant and making the “happy/blessed announcement” public on Facebook. Most of the pregnancy announcements were believed by friends and family with little feelings being hurt or minimal damage being done. I don’t know what this says about the person that posted it; you were actually deeply in love that it was a matter of time for a baby or that you publicly display your sexual experiences that it was only a matter of time before you became “knocked up”.

However, this year before you post your fake pregnancy announcement think of the women going through infertility treatments, the couples actually trying to conceive a baby, and those that have lost a child or miscarried.

It’s not funny to them and you won’t think it’s funny if there is a time [heaven forbid] that you’re trying to conceive or experience a miscarriage.