I write; therefore I am a writer.


“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit at a typewriter and bleed”

-Ernest Hemingway


Ernest Hemingway definitely called it when he basically defined what writing is. It’s one person sitting at a typewriter [computer, pen and paper] and bleeding. Pouring oneself out with any emotion, thought, idea, or opinion they may have. Any spark of creativity that one feels comes out once sitting down and just typing. It’s no different than an artist at a canvas with paint or an easel with charcoal, no different than a dancer with[out] music standing in an open room, no different than an athlete on an open court or field. It’s a method to let loose, to let go, to express yourself.

Writing is nothing more than words pouring from an open wound. Nothing more than taking our experiences, our conversations, our obsesrvations and communicating them into paragraphs and sentences.

Words may offend, they may be misconstrued, they may be offensive, or perceived differently from person to person but they are nothing more than that… words. 


I write because I’ve been cut from experiences I’ve been through.

I write because of things I have observed or the people I have met and conversations we have shared.

I write; therefore I bleed my thoughts on paper and in this blog.

 I write; therefore I am a writer.