

It’s Thanksgiving and all over social media we are publishing what we are thankful for but don’t always get time to recognize throughout our busy schedules. I, like everyone else, have much to be thankful for and plan to take the time to share what I am thankful for with you.

First and foremost my husband, for loving me through all my flaws, faults, stubbornness, good times and mood swings. It takes a special kind of man to put up with that each and every day, I am lucky to have him by my side and through everything life has to throw at us.

For my best friend of ten years, we’ve been there for each other since day one, through all the ridiculous outfits, heartbreaks, fights, and milestones in our lives we have been there for each other.

My family; adopted, biological, and married, they’ve taught me to love and to do it unconditionally, that’s the greatest lesson a person can learn. They’ve supported me, challenged me, and pushed my buttons but it’s helped me become who I am today. 

My closest friends in college, honestly I would have never survived college without them. They were my biggest supporters in my decision to join the military and there through all the Physics/ROTC/dancing meltdowns when the stress became to much to handle.

For everyone who has come into my life, even if they’re not a part of it anymore. You were there for me in that part of my life when I needed you most; our time may have been short but it was needed to get to the points in our life that we are at now.

I have eyes that can see the beauty of the world [although corrected with glasses], ears that can hear the music playing, nose to smell delicious food and unpleasant scents, working hands to type my thoughts, a brain that functions to read and interpret all the words I want, a voice to share my [sometimes unwanted] opinion, legs that allow me to run and dance, arms to hold the one I care about, and a heart to love more deeply than I ever thought possible.

My time in the military, teaching my discipline and leadership. For bringing me my “battle buddies”, regardless of where they may be in life or globe they are no more than a message away.

Technology, for allowing me to talk to loved ones whether down the street or half way around the globe. You make long distance easy.

There’s a slew of things to be thankful for and only so much time one can take to write about it. This is only a fraction of what I am thankful for; so what are you thankful for not only today but each and everyday of the year?


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