Extreme Makeover – Blog Edition


Life as we THINK we know it is getting a makeover, for the very few of you that read and follow this blog.

wordpressTwo more people will help write for Life as we THINK we know it so that we can get out three times as many opinions, three times as many annoyances and three times as many complaints about society. We are old and new friends ranging from 6 month friendship to 10 years of friendship. We’ve had vastly different life experiences paired with different personalities/styles that seem to just …. click with each other.

The writer’s of Life as we THINK we know it. Bottom right is your’s truly, the original writer… me, Victoria. To my left is my best friend of a decade, Carissa. Perched on top is our new friend, Chelsey.

I hope you enjoy reading their opinions as much as I love hearing about them on a daily basis. Between the three of us you will get advice in departments such as love, life, long distance relationships, fashion, workouts, motherhood and many more. You’ll also probably get as an added bonus… our rants, bitchy moments and sports updates on how are favourite teams/players are doing; you’ll quickly find out Carissa has a thing for Jeter, the Yankees, and baseball whilst the Dallas Cowboys are more mine and Chelsey’s thing.


Let they writings begin! We’ll be doing “About Me” posts so you can get to know each of us a little better!



It’s Thanksgiving and all over social media we are publishing what we are thankful for but don’t always get time to recognize throughout our busy schedules. I, like everyone else, have much to be thankful for and plan to take the time to share what I am thankful for with you.

First and foremost my husband, for loving me through all my flaws, faults, stubbornness, good times and mood swings. It takes a special kind of man to put up with that each and every day, I am lucky to have him by my side and through everything life has to throw at us.

For my best friend of ten years, we’ve been there for each other since day one, through all the ridiculous outfits, heartbreaks, fights, and milestones in our lives we have been there for each other.

My family; adopted, biological, and married, they’ve taught me to love and to do it unconditionally, that’s the greatest lesson a person can learn. They’ve supported me, challenged me, and pushed my buttons but it’s helped me become who I am today. 

My closest friends in college, honestly I would have never survived college without them. They were my biggest supporters in my decision to join the military and there through all the Physics/ROTC/dancing meltdowns when the stress became to much to handle.

For everyone who has come into my life, even if they’re not a part of it anymore. You were there for me in that part of my life when I needed you most; our time may have been short but it was needed to get to the points in our life that we are at now.

I have eyes that can see the beauty of the world [although corrected with glasses], ears that can hear the music playing, nose to smell delicious food and unpleasant scents, working hands to type my thoughts, a brain that functions to read and interpret all the words I want, a voice to share my [sometimes unwanted] opinion, legs that allow me to run and dance, arms to hold the one I care about, and a heart to love more deeply than I ever thought possible.

My time in the military, teaching my discipline and leadership. For bringing me my “battle buddies”, regardless of where they may be in life or globe they are no more than a message away.

Technology, for allowing me to talk to loved ones whether down the street or half way around the globe. You make long distance easy.

There’s a slew of things to be thankful for and only so much time one can take to write about it. This is only a fraction of what I am thankful for; so what are you thankful for not only today but each and everyday of the year?


Call me old-fashioned.


Scene of “Abstinence speech” from 17 Again, starring Zac Efron

It’s called “making love” isn’t it? Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I think that means you do it with someone you love. And preferably when you’re married. You know, when you’re ready to take that love and turn it into a baby. Because that’s what love is. It’s the first moment when you hold your baby girl… and you didn’t know that anything could be so small or so delicate. And you feel that tiny heartbeat… and you know that you couldn’t love anything more in he whole world. And you hope that you can do right by that little girl… and always be there to catch her when she falls, and that nothing ever hurts her. Not a broken arm… or a bad dream… or a broken heart.  – Mark [Zac Efron], 17 Again

Bravo to the way this was said, written, and the manner in the movie in which it was addressed. For those readers that do not know, this is a quote from the movie “17 Again”. Zac Efron’s character gives this speech which has been labeled the “Abstinence speech” while he was in a high school class and condoms we’re being passed around.

I’m twenty-three years old. I am happily married, my husband and I are currently talking about having our first baby. The first thing that came to mind is us and our wanting to start a family. Why? Because I have found love, I have found love with my husband and we want to turn that love into a baby.

If love was explained to teenagers in this manner perhaps sex would have been taken more seriously [in my opinion]. This monologue in 17 Again, captures the link between love and sex. It’s the fact that you take that love you have for your significant other and you turn it into a baby that the two of you can love, protect and raise together. 17 Again, came out in 2009, my class and myself were already well on our way through adolescence and were one year out of high school already. I spent those four years watching classmates and peers fall in and out of love, get their hearts broken and listen to my mother & sister tell me to wait until I was truly in love [and married] before I had sex for the first time. I watched my younger sister fall in and out of love and talk to me about having sex for the first time. Today, I watch my youngest sister go through the rollercoaster as well. My hope is that she’s watched this movie, she might have it’s Zac Efron, and that this speech hit home and made her realized not to have sex unless it’s love and ready to procreate and have a baby.

I don’t know how many times I can say this to teenagers, don’t have sex unless you WANT a baby, can CARE for a baby, and want to be ATTACHED to the other half of that baby for the rest of your life. Sex isn’t just an activity to have fun and enjoy yourself… it’s to turn love into a little bundle of love that you can raise and cherish.


Remember that when you want to take your clothes off, or say that you’re in LOVE with someone.

Ode to the Drama Queen(s)


imagesAccording to Urban Dictionary a drama queen is “someone who turns something unimportant into a major deal. Someone who blows things way out of proportion whenever the chance is given”. Well done Urban Dictionary, I can truly say that you hit the nail on the head with this one. We all know one, two, three drama queens in our life. We may actually be a tad bit dramatic about things ourself. Growing up we have encountered drama queens every place we turned. We tried to steer clear of them and sometimes on rare occasions may have seen ourselves turn into one, much like Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. As we reached high school we saw drama queens more than ever. They were around every corner, down every hallway, and most of the time wanting to be at cheerleading practice or shopping at the mall. High school has been the natural habitat of these drama queens for years, the media even portrays it as such. Basically a classic movie that portrays this perfectly is none other than a personal favourite of mine MEAN GIRLS!images (1)

Mean Girls, a movie in which Rachel McAdams plays a perfect drama queen out to make sure that everyone does everything her way. She is followed around by two “best friends” that really just hang around with her because everyone “loves” her when really most have just fallen victim to that of here dramatic ways. She freaks out when given a kalteen bar and pushes friend Gretchen out of the way because something didn’t go her way. Rachel McAdam’s character loves the spot light and all of the attention on her. She even in the one scene rocks a sleeveless shirt that says “A little bit dramatic”.

We expect when we graduate, to leave the drama behind us. However, in some cases,that doesn’t happen. We are perpetually stuck in an ongoing cycle of high school. The drama queens are everywhere we turn, and perhaps like I mentioned earlier there is even a slight strain of it in us. According to Webster’s dictionary, drama queens or “persons that give to often excessively emotional performances or reactions” have been around since 1979. The word drama queen is much younger than I might have guessed it to be. Thirty-four years old! Now I ponder what they used to call drama queens prior to 1979!!

Now that we have covered a brief history here are some things you can do to lower your dramatic outbursts or tendencies if you feel one sneaking up on you:

  • Think to yourself “am I being rational? Is this something to get this upset about?” 9/10 chances are it is nothing to get yourself worked up about and chances are it doesn’t actually pertain to you.
  • Take some time away from the situation, walk away from it. Taking a few steps back or away allows you to better assess the issue with a clearer head.
  • Do you need the added stress? Life is tough, why add more fuel to a stressful life when it can all be avoided to begin with.
  • Surround yourself with people who create an environment you want to be in and who fit with your personality. Keep everyone on the same level, don’t have a leader or one person who leads the pack. [i.e. Mean Girls]
  • When all else fails, bite your tongue…until it hurts.

Lesson to take from this: Don’t be a drama queen. If you’re a teenager and you’re reading this and you are the drama queen break the habit; ditch it before you leave high school. If you’re already out of high school and you’re a drama queen reading this I hope you realize you are and make a quick fix. If you prefer to stay dramatic I hope your friends are alright with your ways, perhaps they themselves are dramatic… in that case; stay away.

Save the drama for your momma!

Best friend syndrome


Think for a moment, think about who your best friend is currently. Now think about who your best friend was in high school, middle school, grammar school. Chances are they’re not the same person. As we grow up we change more times than not our friends change too. We evolve separately sometimes together, sometimes not so much. On rare occasions our grammar school friends stay with us through high school and beyond.

We used to scribble best friends forever on our notebooks, caption our MySpace photos with it and everything. Somewhere along the journey of life something happens. In the whirlwind of growing into preteens, teenagers and adults we lose those best friends.

Looking back we can’t exactly put a finger on why, it seemed to happen overnight. Maybe it was a boy, grades, jealousy, a who wore it better situation? Whatever it was that best friend you wanted to grow old and senile with, isn’t found next to you anymore.
You’ve grown comfortable with idea that they aren’t there, you’ve dealt with the drama and everything that followed the fall out to you and your best friend.

Eventually, I promise you, you will find that one person who will be your best friend. It may not be any time soon, it may not be in the next few years but I promise you, that when you’re done growing up and changing you’ll find them. When you find them all the other best friends will seem obsolete. They will seem like placeholders to the one you were actually waiting for.

Stop worrying about your best friends, stop worrying that they hang out with your other best friends more than you. A best friend means they are the BEST of your friends. They are above the rest. They are that one you can always rely on. Have friends, but don’t classify them any higher than that. Don’t put them on that pedestal, the one reserved for your other half, the one your designed for. Have fun with them, enjoy growing up, embrace new ones when they come.

There was a piece of Greek Mythology that I happened to fall in love with and it was something along the lines of:

According to Greek Mythology humans were created with two heads, four arms and four legs. Zeus feared their power and split them in two, forcing them to constantly search for their other half

We were only split from one other person, therefore, only that one person can complete us fully. It’s not your “best friend” from middle school, high school or college. It’s your best friend for life, your legitimate other half, your soulmate, the only person that matters.

What I’m trying to say is don’t sweat the best friends gig. Your best friends will meet their other half and you’ll be replaced. You’ll be friends, I’m not saying you won’t, but you don’t need to rate people between friends and best friend – save that, put it away. And give it to someone you know will be truly ready, grown up, evolved and ready for the task.

Memorial Day 2013


Memorial Day: the unofficial kickoff to summertime. A day when you’re surrounded by friends & family, it’s almost certain that today the grill would be fired up and drinks will be poured whilst sharing anecdotes all around.

My hope is that in some part during your busy day off from work among all your socialising that you paused. That you took just a moment to remember why exactly you had today off from work. My hope is that you remembered the service men and women that have fought for this country and the ones that are still fighting today. My hope is you remembered the fallen members of the armed forces that have the ultimate sacrifice for your freedom by giving up their life. My hope is that you thanked a service man or woman today. My hope is that you thought about the military members abroad that can’t be near their families today.

I remember the first time I put my uniform on, August 2008, I was a cadet. I was young, my name tapes were backwards, my bun a disaster, and my boot stings untucked. I later left cadet life to be enlisted and I went to basic training. That young teen that put on the uniform grew into a soldier who wanted nothing more than to make her drill sergeants and senior NCOs proud. I am a soldier, yes a reserve soldier, but a soldier nonetheless and I am thankful for the service men and women that came before me and for the ones that serve with me now. I am thankful for my husband and the work he does as a soldier in the US Army. I am thankful for the soldiers that have given their lives to protect all of us stateside. I am thankful for the wonderful battle buddies I have met being apart of something as outstanding as the US Military.

So this Memorial Day, I hope you thought and gave thanks for all the men and women serving in the military, I hope you remembered the fallen and thanked the veterans; without them you would not have enjoyed that BBQ on your Monday off from work today.