Best friend syndrome


Think for a moment, think about who your best friend is currently. Now think about who your best friend was in high school, middle school, grammar school. Chances are they’re not the same person. As we grow up we change more times than not our friends change too. We evolve separately sometimes together, sometimes not so much. On rare occasions our grammar school friends stay with us through high school and beyond.

We used to scribble best friends forever on our notebooks, caption our MySpace photos with it and everything. Somewhere along the journey of life something happens. In the whirlwind of growing into preteens, teenagers and adults we lose those best friends.

Looking back we can’t exactly put a finger on why, it seemed to happen overnight. Maybe it was a boy, grades, jealousy, a who wore it better situation? Whatever it was that best friend you wanted to grow old and senile with, isn’t found next to you anymore.
You’ve grown comfortable with idea that they aren’t there, you’ve dealt with the drama and everything that followed the fall out to you and your best friend.

Eventually, I promise you, you will find that one person who will be your best friend. It may not be any time soon, it may not be in the next few years but I promise you, that when you’re done growing up and changing you’ll find them. When you find them all the other best friends will seem obsolete. They will seem like placeholders to the one you were actually waiting for.

Stop worrying about your best friends, stop worrying that they hang out with your other best friends more than you. A best friend means they are the BEST of your friends. They are above the rest. They are that one you can always rely on. Have friends, but don’t classify them any higher than that. Don’t put them on that pedestal, the one reserved for your other half, the one your designed for. Have fun with them, enjoy growing up, embrace new ones when they come.

There was a piece of Greek Mythology that I happened to fall in love with and it was something along the lines of:

According to Greek Mythology humans were created with two heads, four arms and four legs. Zeus feared their power and split them in two, forcing them to constantly search for their other half

We were only split from one other person, therefore, only that one person can complete us fully. It’s not your “best friend” from middle school, high school or college. It’s your best friend for life, your legitimate other half, your soulmate, the only person that matters.

What I’m trying to say is don’t sweat the best friends gig. Your best friends will meet their other half and you’ll be replaced. You’ll be friends, I’m not saying you won’t, but you don’t need to rate people between friends and best friend – save that, put it away. And give it to someone you know will be truly ready, grown up, evolved and ready for the task.