Extreme Makeover – Blog Edition


Life as we THINK we know it is getting a makeover, for the very few of you that read and follow this blog.

wordpressTwo more people will help write for Life as we THINK we know it so that we can get out three times as many opinions, three times as many annoyances and three times as many complaints about society. We are old and new friends ranging from 6 month friendship to 10 years of friendship. We’ve had vastly different life experiences paired with different personalities/styles that seem to just …. click with each other.

The writer’s of Life as we THINK we know it. Bottom right is your’s truly, the original writer… me, Victoria. To my left is my best friend of a decade, Carissa. Perched on top is our new friend, Chelsey.

I hope you enjoy reading their opinions as much as I love hearing about them on a daily basis. Between the three of us you will get advice in departments such as love, life, long distance relationships, fashion, workouts, motherhood and many more. You’ll also probably get as an added bonus… our rants, bitchy moments and sports updates on how are favourite teams/players are doing; you’ll quickly find out Carissa has a thing for Jeter, the Yankees, and baseball whilst the Dallas Cowboys are more mine and Chelsey’s thing.


Let they writings begin! We’ll be doing “About Me” posts so you can get to know each of us a little better!