Age bouts: your first bikini.


As warmer weather approaches so does the question about what is a suitable age for parents to let their daughters purchase their first bikini. You see little kids in bikinis that their parents pick out and you think it is absolutely adorable [at least I do]. These first bikinis come equipped with skirts, ruffles, colours, and embellishments. What I want to know is when/at what age does the bikini go from innocence to trying to attract more attention than needed at a young age?

I’m almost 23 years old and I remember picking out and purchasing my first bikini. I was thirteen when I got my first two piece that my mother didn’t pick out for me. It was bright orange with blue/pink hibiscus flowers on it. It was a triangle top with a full coverage bottom, nothing was exposed and I made sure of it. I was a flat chested thirteen year old with no interest in boys [in my eyes they still had cooties]. My biological father never let my younger sister where a bikini until she eventually purchased one at 14 years old without him knowing. It was purple with lime green polka dots, and a triangle top that tied and you were able to move the pieces depending on the amount of cleavage you chose to show. The difference between myself and my well endowed younger sibling was two things: 1. we were raised by different sets of parents 2. she cared about boys, her appearance, and being well liked. Kids, children, teenagers, whatever they are nowadays are “maturing” faster, they’re filling out and developing faster than I could have ever dreamed. They’re wearing makeup earlier, dating, having their first kiss, and trying to pick out their first bikini earlier. They care what they look like and wouldn’t be caught dead getting dirty in the mud or roaming around in soffee shorts and a t-shirt during the summertime months.

In my opinion, when a daughter starts to care if boys are looking at her and goes to extra lengths to make sure she is perfect every time she leaves the house that is the perfect time to WATCH WHAT BATHING SUIT SHE WANTS! I’m not saying that she can’t have the bikini or can’t wear one, but it should be screened by parents. She’s not a Victoria’s Secret Angel, she doesn’t need a push up or movable pieces. She doesn’t have to show off the cleavage she developed, there will be plenty of time for that when she is older. Her swimsuit attire should be modest and be suitable for a young lady, not something you find on the VSFS runway.

When she gets about half way into high school, again in my opinion, would be the time to allow her some freedom of choosing WHATEVER bikini she wants. You have already instilled in her the tools for flattering her body, being modest, and having self respect for her body.

What’s your opinion on first bikinis? When did you get your first, with full freedom to choose? How do you plan on gauging when is an appropriate age for your daughter? Spill?